Friday 2 September 2016

Asahiyama Zoo

Asahiyama Zoo

I came to know this zoo from a movie with the same title. It showed about how Asahiyama zoo was about to end operation due to finance in red and how the staff actually sat down and discussed, rebuilt  and redeveloped the whole zoo with interesting 360 degree view concept as what they are now. It was later awarded as Japan Number One zoo with such concept and after that many zoos and aquariums started to use the same display concept too.

I love the penguin enclosure as the penguins can stand just next to you just separated by an transparent acrylic wall. They also have a step up platform for the kids to view without the obstraction of the wall. This is also a very huge range of different types of penguins. The staff are around if you need to ask questions too. Simple English is still ok for most.

Every animal enclosure, there will bond to have surprises. With 800 animals and more ( due to new borns) , 150 specimens.  The hippo was also swimming just next to us on ground floor and when we went to basement, you can see how hippo moved around and had fun!

Website :
English site available.

3 things you must know of Asahiyama Zoo 

  1.  Asahiyama Zoo has its own train called " Asahiyama Zoo Go - 旭山動物園号" which only operates during a certain time and month.  Book the reserved seats the first thing you reach Japan or Hokkaido as this is in high demand for both locals and tourists.

    Website and pictures of the train :
    In Japanese
    Operation day and time :
    In Japanese
  2. Penguin Parade also known as Penguin March which usually start from mid Dec till end of March when there is constant heavy snow. Standing in the midst of snowing or thick snow, it can be challenging for kids but an amazing life experience.  This is very well known in Japan. If your travelling period does not fall within this period, you might want to consider Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe ( Information can be found in a post titled the same).
  3. Different season to Asahiyama Zoo will encounter different experience and it is worth going more than just once. 

Direction: Take JR to Asahigawa station - 旭川駅. Just outside of the train station, the bus stop to Asahiyama Zoo is right near the entrance.  ( Do not note the Train station is ASAHIKAWA and the zoo is ASAHIYAMA)
Bus lane 6 with bus number: 旭山動物園線41・42・47番

This is the map where you can find the bus lane and other attractions that you can visit on bus. 

This is taken from the zoo website on how to reach destination:

Tickets : Adults' ticket is 820yen each, while kids below 16 are free ( secondary school students and below are free). It is worth buying the annual pass if you intended to return for at least a second time. 

Recommendation: I would suggest a 3 days 2 night trip to Asahiyama Zoo during winter. Plan the arrival day to go Asahikawa Ramen village and then zoo on the second day morning. It can be a whole day event or half a day after penguin march, then follow by other attractions. 3rd day can be either Asahikawa's attractions or a step over Takikawa Science centre on the way back to Sapporo. 

Below are photos taken in end July. 

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