Wednesday 13 July 2016

Noboribetsu Marine Park NIXE

Noboribetsu is famous for Bear Park, Marine Park and Onsen resort. I chose Marine Park NIXE as it is one of the only two themed parks that have Penguin march. Asahiyama Zoo only has during mid winter while Noboribetsu Marine Park NIXE is able to see all year round except days when it is too hot.

The first thing you will notice of this park when you are near Noboribetsu station, is the castle! It is a walking distant from the JR station.

Though it is not a big park, just by following the show schedules, you will spend a whole full day there. I will go again as it is very fun and interesting!! Just note that the crowds in the park are mostly from Taiwan and therefore, in their brief explanations, you will hear some simple chinese.  During penguin march in the morning at 11am, they even have staff with English information standing near the trainer who is explaining in Japanese.

English language available

Direction, At JR Noboribetsu station, turn right till you see the signboard to turn left or walk towards the castle. Just follow the wall till there are signboards to turn right and to the main entrance. Walking will take 5-10mins.

Kids below 5 are free.

We had a special gift from the dolphin show as the staff actually came running to me and asked if I was keen to watch the dolphin rehearsal! Please note, there are two groups of dolphins performing : Hourglass dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins only perform at 1.30pm show, the rest of the shows are by hourglass dolphins.We missed the 1.30pm as we went lunch and the rehearsal was by bottlenose dolphins! We were so lucky! More information :

Iconic Castle 

Fur seals and baby seal

 Penguin march 

Penguin March 

 Penguin March 

Baby penguin enjoying the parade 

Dolphin show

Sardine illumination show

 Dancing dolphins

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