Wednesday 3 February 2016


3rd Feb 2016

Preparation do not just means buying, packing clothes into luggages, get body ready for trip is important. For winter trip, there is always high chance of flu and cough due to sudden change in temperature, humidity and cold gust wind.

1 month before trip, I would prepare Huaishan ( 淮山/ 山药)with lily bud (百合), wolfberry, lotus roots soup to strengthen and nourish lung. Once every week or fortnight till the beginning of trip.

When I reach there, I bought fruits as I read before the best way to get body to use to that place's temperature and humidity, is to eat their local fruits and vegetables.

At the same time, I brought honey and 罗汉果 in situation when kids are coughing or having dry throat.

The whole month everyone was healthy! The best health to be able to explore and learn more during the trip.

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