Wednesday 2 September 2015

1 month budget travel with kids in Hokkaido (13) : Where to go - Fruit Farms

2nd Sept 2015

It is too cold and harsh to play and wander in farm during winter!! But I managed to find some strawberry picking farms open during end of winter!! Wahahahahahaha!!
This is actually an experience too!

Strawberry picking - early Jul - mid July , some farms can pick as early as early June
Cherry picking - mid Jul- mid Aug
Grape picking - mid Sept - early Oct
Prune picking - mid Sept - early Oct

Fruit Farm 
  1. Subaruberry Strawberry Farm

    Closed:  29th Dec - 5th Jan , every Monday
    6th Jan - end March : adult: 1700yen, age 3-6: 1000yen, below 3 : free
    April - end May : adult 1400yen, age3-6: 700 yen, below 3 : free
  2. Ohashi Cherry Farm
    English site :
    Directions :40 minutes. by car from the Hokkaido Expressway Takikawa Interchange, or 30 minutes. by car from downtown Furano. Able to take cab from nearby JR station
  3. Yokotsuta Fruit Farm
    Strawberry and cherry picking.
    Farm opens from June 
  4. Yamamoto Tourism Fruit Farm in Yoichi
    Grows grape, apple, strawberry, cherry and pear
  5. Fujimori Fruit Farm
    Grows grape, strawberry, cherry and apple
  6. Hamada Fruit Farm
    Grows apple, grapes, strawberry and cherry, With 100 years of history
    Directions : From JR Date Monbetu transfer bus, alight at SouSakae Teramae ( 壮栄寺前) then 3 mins walk
  7. Kondo Fruit Farm
  8. Kacha Ice cream factory
    Closed every Tuesday, 24th Dec- 5th Feb
    Operating hours :
    Summer 10:00 - 19:00
    Winter 10:00-17:00
    Strawberry picking fees: Adult : 600yen , child: 300 yen
    Directions :
  9. Tani Sightseeing Farm
    12 types of fruits & vegetables to be found.
    Operating hours : 10:00-16:00
    Strawberry - mid June - early Jul
    Cherry early Jul - end Jul
    Tomato end Jul - end Sept
    Plum early Aug- end Aug
    Melon/watermelon early Aug-  mid Sept
    Edamame, corn, paprika early Aug- mid Oct
    Pumpkin mid Aug - mid Oct
    Prune ed Aug - end Sept
    Potato end Aug- mid Oct
    Grape end Sept - mid Oct
    Directions :
  10. Hokkaido Hopeland Makubetsu
    Organic vegetable farm ,  strawberry farming
    Operating hours mid May - end Oct
    Directions :
    From JR Makubetsu, by car 10 mins
  11. Yokoyama Farm
    Operating hours : mid June - mid Jul from 9am
  12. Sasaki Fruit Farm
    Cherry early Jul- end Aug
    strawberry end May - end Oct
    Plum early Aug - mid Sept
    Apple early Sept - end Oct
    Prune mid Sept - end Oct
    Grape early Sept - end Oct
    Pear mid Sept - early Nov
    Fishing available
    Directions :
    Jyodetsu bus Jyozaikei line (定山渓線) Alight at last stop 『定山渓車庫』, transfer to Toyohashi kanjou line(豊橋環状線) Alight at Toyohashi mae 『豊橋前』, walk 15mins 
  13. Saeki Farm
    Directions:From JR Touya transfer to Touya city, 30mins journey, alight at Touya no mizu (とうや水の), walk 10mins
  14. Toyama fureai Farm
    Directions :
    By car, travel 40 mins
  15. Hakenzan Farm
    Strawberry end June - ealry Jul
    Cherry early Jul - mid Jul"
    Plum early Aug - early Sept
    Potato mid Aug- end Aug
    Fishing and camping available

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